Participating in #MARCHintosh!

Although my channel is pretty much a PC Compatible channel, I decided I’d participate in #MARCHintosh. I have fond memories of trying out the ARDI Executor Macintosh emulator as well as using Macintosh systems in high school. Back when IBM PCs were still up and coming with a graphical user interface, Apple Computer really had it figured out (okay, so technically Xerox had it figured out first, but Apple was first to really be successful at bringing it to mass market).

And one thing I have really enjoyed about the YouTube retro tech collaboration hashtags (#SepTandy, #DOScember, and now #MARCHintosh) is the exposure it brings to channels both big and small. These events have been good for RetroTech Chris to help viewers find the channel. Mr. Lurch’s Things was clearly onto something when he pioneered the idea of #SepTandy!!


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