Bringing it All Together

So, when it comes to technology, one thing I have always loved to do is to integrate different systems together! And being involved in the software development discipline, this is something that is actually really easy to do. Hence, a lot of what you see on the YouTube channel will be focused just on that: bringing things together […]

100 Instagram Followers… and Which Social Media Platform is Winning?

Today, RetroTech Chris hit 100 Instagram followers! This is a small milestone, but it is fun to see. Also of note, and you can see we’re on a few platforms above, here is how all of our engagement mediums are going: YouTube: 750 subscribers, 60 videos Instagram: 100 followers, 11 posts Facebook: 14 followers, 5 posts Twitter: 36 […]

Three-Day Weekend Plans!

It’s a three-day weekend here for me with Monday being a company holiday (President’s Day). So far, I’ve been working on setting up a LTE 5100 for a friend, but I’m planning on making two videos this weekend: Adding my PC Convertible to the network via Ethernet and my RS-232 to WiFi adapter Tutorial on using legacy email […]

“Feeding the Beast” while “Chasing What you Love!”

After a rather sizeable channel bump in December, and some modest growth in January, I’ve been reflecting a lot on what “Feeding the Beast” is like for YouTubers, including myself. I’ve talked with some folks who are new to YouTube content creation and some are more seasoned. And at the end of the day, to keep momentum going […]

Viewing the Backlog!

So, over the past couple of weeks, I have been working on new content. However, I haven’t wrapped anything new.. I needed a bit of a break! At the peak of production for the channel, I was making two videos per weekend. However, what I found is that “getting ahead” may not be the best idea: while it […]