
I had an absolute blast doing a few livestreams this week. I was planning to work on some retro computers, so though “why not hook up a camera or two!” It was great to chat with folks who joined the stream, everyone who joined was super insightful, and now I have a few new ideas to try out! […]

What’s next?

Now, THIS is a very good question actually! At last check, there were 85 video ideas in the ideas list, and 7 videos created and scheduled for release. So, what’s next? Let’s start with what has been produced! Legacy email sever and application walkthroughs (two part series) Novell 3.12 emulator IBM Thinkpad T30 tour Compaq LTE 5000 differences […]

100 Instagram Followers… and Which Social Media Platform is Winning?

Today, RetroTech Chris hit 100 Instagram followers! This is a small milestone, but it is fun to see. Also of note, and you can see we’re on a few platforms above, here is how all of our engagement mediums are going: YouTube: 750 subscribers, 60 videos Instagram: 100 followers, 11 posts Facebook: 14 followers, 5 posts Twitter: 36 […]

Three-Day Weekend Plans!

It’s a three-day weekend here for me with Monday being a company holiday (President’s Day). So far, I’ve been working on setting up a LTE 5100 for a friend, but I’m planning on making two videos this weekend: Adding my PC Convertible to the network via Ethernet and my RS-232 to WiFi adapter Tutorial on using legacy email […]

Viewing the Backlog!

So, over the past couple of weeks, I have been working on new content. However, I haven’t wrapped anything new.. I needed a bit of a break! At the peak of production for the channel, I was making two videos per weekend. However, what I found is that “getting ahead” may not be the best idea: while it […]

What’s in the Plans (Present and Future) at RetroTech Chris

Current Plans: At present, I’m working on some walkthrough videos for using legacy non SSL email clients in a “somewhat secure” fashion with modern email services (in this case, Gmail). Also, working on a video showcasing a NetWare 3.12 alternative called Mars NWE Future Plans: Oh my, where do I begin? I have a spreadsheet with around 70 […]